FREEDcan Network
The FREEDcan Network is made up of individuals and organizations across Canada who are interested in FREEDcan. The network connects organizations and other members to one another and provides access to relevant tools for putting FREEDcan into practice. FREEDcan is a co-adaptation of FREED which began in the United Kingdom. Learn more about the FREEDcan service model here.
FREEDcan began in Ontario but is designed to be adaptable for different provincial and territorial contexts across the country. The FREEDcan Network is coordinated by the FREEDcan core team, based at the CHEO Research Institute.
Why join the FREEDcan Network?
Joining the FREEDcan Network allows you to connect with a community of others bringing FREEDcan into their work. Given that early intervention is an exciting new addition to the Canadian eating disorder community of care, forming connections with others working to provide early intervention is invaluable.
By joining the FREEDcan Network, you will also stay in the loop about updates to FREEDcan as we continue to evolve and grow. FREEDcan is designed to be a Learning Health System. By joining us, you’ll be a part of the exciting work of building FREEDcan together and learning as we go — with a shared goal of improving access to care for youth with early stage eating disorders.
How do I join the FREEDcan Network?
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