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Youth Resources

Are you experiencing concerns with eating?

If you have been experiencing negative thoughts about your body or your relationship with food feels hard, we have some information resources to share with you. A lot of these use the words “eating disorder” but you don’t need to be diagnosed with an eating disorder to benefit from some information about feeling better in your body and nourishing yourself.

Why seek services?

Research shows that those who seek help for eating concerns early have the best chance at overcoming these concerns. If you are worried, consider reaching out to one of these services.

The National Eating Disorder Information Centre (NEDIC) is a supportive connection to eating disorder resources and healthcare pathway navigation within Canada. NEDIC offers confidential helpline services to anyone affected by an eating disorder through live chat, telephone, and email. Services are available at these times (all in ET):

  • 9am – 9pm Monday – Thursday
  • 9am – 5pm on Friday
  • 12 – 5pm on Saturday and Sunday

*Note: Visit for the most up to date hours; access helpline services at:

Phone Icon  1-866-NEDIC-20 or 416-340-4156
Mail Icon
Speach Bubble Icon chat:


Body Brave is an organization dedicated to promoting recovery from eating disorders for every body. Body Brave offers support services and treatment programs including a virtual recovery support program.

Body Peace is a free online program for anyone in Canada 14+. They offer peer support led by trained mentors and other resources including videos, worksheets, and workshops.

FREEDcan Downloadable Resources

These resources have all been developed with input from young people. Several of these resources are originally from FREED UK and were adapted by FREEDcan to fit our context. To see the original resources and explore others, visit FREED UK.

Christmas & the Holiday Season

Eating disorders: a guide for Christmas and the holiday season.





Emerging Adulthood

This guide aims to explain what happens during emerging adulthood, common difficulties, and tips to overcome these difficulties.




"Healthy Eating" ... what does it really mean?

A lot of the time, "healthy eating" is used to define what we "should" and "shouldn't" eat. This resource explores what adequate nourisment can help us do as well as practical tips to support regular and balanced eating.



Preparing for Post-Secondary

Whether you are starting post-secondary for the first time, or returning after taking some time away, this guide aims to give practical tips.






Ramadan & Eating Disorders

A brief guide to support young people, parents/carers & families with eating disorder concerns during the month of Ramadan.







Social Media and Apps - Friends or Foes?

This booklet provides some ideas about how to change the way you use social media so that it helps you move towards a better life free from constant anxiety about food, weight and shape.





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